Monday, May 14, 2007

The first three hours

6.00-6.30am Watch BBC Breakfast to check on the school issue of the day (sadly, its child cancer today)

*7.45am Arrive at School
Say ‘Hello’ to Breakfast Club
Switch on computer and connect new printer lead
Find 27 e-mails and deal with six most pressing ones
Speak to three Class teachers
Receive breakfast of All Bran and raisins
See Site Supervisor to check on any weekend concerns and arrange setting up of new television
Check SAT papers are intact
Go to coffee bar and see Family Support Worker
8.40 children start school. Greet Year 1 and 2 children.
8.45 See Parent and friend about alleged playground issue
9.00 Go to Year 6 and give pep talk to our 60 pupils before first of
KS2 SATS tests with Science Papers A and B
9.30 Meet with Deputy Head, Assistant Head (Extended Services),
and Bursar to go through the week’s school business
10.00 Go to each of the four early years education and daycare rooms.
Real confusion in the Butterflies room as some children say, ‘Hello Mr Welsh’, but as my grandson, Miles, is in the room he calls me ‘Bampy’ as now do some of the other three year olds – goodness knows what will happen with this increasingly clever lot when they get to Nursery and Reception. One child went as far as ‘Mr Bampy Welsh’ last week! Staff could hardly contain themselves.
Congratulate member of staff on brilliant ‘sea’ display.
10.20 Check and sign twenty two authorisations for curriculum,
premises, catering and extended services expenditure and invoice payments
10.30 Coffee while writing letter to Parent about premises concern
*10.45 Observe breaktime.
Many short conversations and telephone calls along the way.

Left school at 6pm
Read and write for two hours.

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