Sunday, February 20, 2011

Home for a day.

Home for a day, as the Swindon NAHT Branch holds it's Annual Conference at the Cricklade Country Club on the 17th. It was pleasing to chat with many good friends. The theme looked at the new Networks that schools need in the wake of the rapidly changing context of LA support services diminishing and in some areas disappearing altogether following the LA funding settlement. A number of presentations from exhibitors including companies set up by former LA employees set the scene. Russell Hobby as General Secretary provided a thoughtful insight into current national issues and how this was affecting schools and school leadership. The last session began to address the interesting and vital networking future in school improvement. Schools working with schools - now there's a novel idea. Following decades of encouraging competition, the bright future should be about collaboration and co-operation. Sharing the very best practice is essential if we are to raise standards still further. This requires a willingness to give as well as receive. It also requires practical methods and systems of engagement. Schools and school leaders need to build these.

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