Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Meetings included a whole range from Branches and Regions to the Secretary of State in the DfE. A regular meeting is the NAHT with ASCL to discuss school leadership issues together, and both with the NGA to get a Governors perspective. This can lead to concerted action, but at the very least is a forum for considering particular issues.

I attended the Party Conferences of the Lib Dems, and Conservatives, and colleagues went to Labour's. This is useful for party activists and MP's to find out more about NAHT policies and discuss the educational landscape. 

The 22nd saw Goddard Park become an Academy under the outstanding converter academy programme. This is another stage on our journey as an inner-area school of excellence. We feel we are in a position to further improve our children's life chances by becoming independent of the Local Authority, whilst having a cordial relationship. We remain part of our cluster group of schools. Our accountability is to our community and this is reflected in the five Trustee positions which reflect each key stakeholder in our school community inlcluding: parent/staff/community/Chair of Govs/Headteacher. Our Governing Body remains the same except we have one LA Gov out of choice and more from the school community. The retained LA funding comes to us, but we do not have one pound of other school's money - otherwise we wouldn't have gone down this road. Also we protect and invest in our brilliant staff, so all national pay and conditions remain in place. Will this help our children? I certainly hope so. We will reflect on it's impact. 

It is now accepted that National Council go to the President's Region for one of it's meetings each year. I chose Bath for the South West. I trained at what is now Bath Spa University. Veronicah completed her B.Ed (Hons) there last year. Council met in the Macdonald Bath Spa Hotel - no not part of that chain..
It was instructive that it was £3,000 cheaper than meeting in Central London! A key debate was on SATs as I've already referred to. There was a Council Dinner in the Pump Rooms with external speakers for and against the notion of Free Schools.

A very busy September would become a hectic October. James continues to thrive and I want to come home each night whenever possible to spend time with him.   

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