Monday, December 13, 2010

The Sheriff of Nottingham or was it Long John Silver?

At the Goddard Park Primary Christmas Concert on Tuesday night I was expecting to introduce our older classes when ten minutes before we started a breathless Year 5 teacher came along the corridor to let me know that the Sheriff of Nottingham was ill and his understudy unavailable for our Robin Hood-based pantomime. Within five minutes staff had identified that I had to fill the gap, produced a costume (partially stapled!) and handed me the script. Oh the joys of Headship. Needless to say the children, parents and staff had great fun with me playing the Sheriff (in the manner of Robert Newton's Long John Silver) with several ad libs about X Factor and Strictly Come Dancing. The children, not thrown by my presence on the stage, were brilliant and particularly enjoyed Robin giving the Sheriff his comeuppance.   

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