Thursday, April 14, 2011

Not just a dark blues win in the boat race.

An excellent day with colleagues at a Presidential Seminar (and Workshop) on responding to the Government's consultation on the National Curriculum, in Wolfson College, Oxford. Representatives of Primary, Secondary, and Special Committees, National Officers, and key HQ staff took part. It was an excellent meeting with the opportunity to listen, think, and debate on the future of of the NC. The NAHT has always stood for a framework curriculum that does not over-prescribe detail, thereby entrusting teachers with pedagogy rather than civil servants. The heavy schedule of modern life can lead to reductionism, whereby major issues are dealt with in five minutes in a meeting, or by soundbite in the media. This day heralded a positive approach and continued the improved level of engagement and scrutiny this year by the National Executive that members would and should expect of us.

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