Thursday, April 14, 2011

On the rails this week with First Great Western, Arriva Wales, and Virgin Cross Country.

The intensive schedule continues unabated.
On 21st March I had two meetings including Strategy at the Commonwealth Club just off Trafalgar Square.
On the Tuesday in the same venue I Chaired my last joint meeting of NHT and ASCL  in the morning and then Chaired the NAHT/ASCL/NGA/ADCS in the afternoon. Both were forward looking meetings which were intended to further develop the close working relationships and consider our positions on the key issues in accountability including governance, austerity, autonomy, as well as teaching and learning, curriculum, and pay and conditions. This always leads to a full meeting with interesting debate. In the evening I made my way by train and car to deepest Wiltshire to meet a group of Governors.
Wednesday was a four hour round trip to be the key speaker at the Dorset, Bournemouth, and Poole AGM. This also marked the retirement of Margaret Davies, Dorset Branch Secretary, who has made an invaluable contribution to the position of school leaders in the County. I am pleased that Vanessa Lucas, another Weymouth Headteacher, took on the mantle. The work of our Branch Secretaries is vital in each LA, and probably even more so as Governance becomes more dispersed with the advent of academies.
Thursday meant catching a train to Chepstow - a beautiful route into Wales from Gloucester and Cheltenham - to speak at the Bristol school leaders residential. Then another train immediately afterwards to Leeds. The train is crowded with racegoers going home from Chepstow after a full card. All shapes and sizes, but a smattering of younger participants with what would be seen as clothing to watch horse racing in: brown flat hats, and checked waistcoats. Although carefully affected it was still good to see some thought of tradition in these youths. I arrived in Leeds at 10.45pm to be met in the bar by three Executive Members and the General Secretary - any thought of an early night vanished, and a good time was had by all.
Friday involved introducing the NAHT Education Conference (North) and then the usual double-act with Russell when completing his session. A quick lunchtime dash to Leeds station had us on a train to Grantham for the Lincolnshire Branch AGM. About 80 Members were present and they were very focussed on the future work of the Branch. After our presentations there was an overwhelming request for a further special Branch Meeting on the academy programme which I agreed to attend. The key discussions were on SATs and Pensions - themes in virtually all my recent Branch Meetings.
The train home and a relatively early finish at 7pm on Friday and able to catch up with Veronicah and play with James was very welcome.

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